3.9. TContour

TContour calculates the textural complexity and returns a chart with the textural complexity in time from a given JSON file generated by Calculator. This command generates the basic complexity chart:

rpscripts tcontour score.json

Note: See Moreira, 2015 and Moreira, 2019 at Bibliography for further information about textural complexity.

Note: All the examples below are from Robert Schumann’s op. 48, n. 2 (See the examples folder).


Textural complexity in time

TContour calculates the textural complexity of a given JSON file and saves them in the same file.

See Annotator documentation for textural complexity annotation on digital score files.

TContour accepts multiple options to omit charts and to show form labels.

The option -h prints the command help:

usage: rpscripts tcontour [-h] [-fl] [-np] [-o]
                        [--lowess_degree LOWESS_DEGREE] [-s]

positional arguments:
filename              JSON filename (calc's output)

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-fl, --show_form_labels
                        Draw vertical lines to display given form labels. It
                        demands a previous labeled file. Check rpscripts
                        labels -h' column
-np, --no_plot        No Plot chart
-o, --lowess          Plot LOWESS
--lowess_degree LOWESS_DEGREE
                        Lowess degree
-s, --as_step         Step chart

3.9.1. Omit textural complexity chart generation

Use the -np option to omit the of the textural complexity in time chart.

rpscripts tcontour -np score.json

3.9.2. LOWESS

Use the -o option to add the locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) to the complexity chart.

rpscripts tcontour -o score.json

Use the --lowess_degree option to set up the LOWESS degree. The default value is 0.05.

rpscripts tcontour -o --lowess_degree 0.25 score.json

Textural complexity with LOWESS

Note: See Cleveland, 1979 and Cleveland, 1981 at Bibliography for further information about LOWESS.

3.9.3. Form labels displaying

For the labels displaying, use the -fl option. It adds vertical lines in the complexity chart. It demands a labeled JSON file. The Labeler program generates the labeled file.

rpscripts tcontour -fl score.json

Textural complexity with form labels indications

3.9.4. Step style

Use the -s option to plot textural complexity in step style:

rpscripts tcontour -s score.json

Textural complexity as step chart