3.2. Plotter

Plotter returns partitiogram and indexogram charts from a given JSON file generated by Calculator. This command generates basic charts:

rpscripts plot score.json

Note: All the examples below are from Robert Schumann’s op. 48, n. 2 (See the examples folder).





Plotter accepts multiple options to define image format, resolution, and indexogram type.

The option -h prints the command help:

usage: rpscripts plot [-h] [-f IMG_FORMAT] [-r RESOLUTION] [-a] [-u] [-w] [-q]
                    [-v] [-m] [-fl] [-c] [-e] [-t] [-p] [-b]
                    [--minimum_dispersion MINIMUM_DISPERSION]
                    [--maximum_dispersion MAXIMUM_DISPERSION]
                    [--minimum_agglomeration MINIMUM_AGGLOMERATION]
                    [--maximum_agglomeration MAXIMUM_AGGLOMERATION]
                    [--maximum_points_to_label MAXIMUM_POINTS_TO_LABEL]
                    [--dots_size DOTS_SIZE] [--labels_size LABELS_SIZE]
                    [--labels_distance LABELS_DISTANCE]
                    [--indexogram_slope INDEXOGRAM_SLOPE]
                    [--figure_dimensions FIGURE_DIMENSIONS]

positional arguments:
filename              JSON filename (calc's output)

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-f IMG_FORMAT, --img_format IMG_FORMAT
                        Charts output format (svg, png, or jpg)
                        PNG image resolution. Default=300
-a, --all             Plot all available charts
-u, --bubble_partitiogram
                        Partitiogram as a bubble chart
-w, --without_labels  Partitiogram as a bubble chart without labels
-q, --parts_density_numbers_time
                        Parts and density numbers in time
-v, --parts_density_numbers_scatter
                        Parts and density numbers scatter
-m, --comparative_partitiogram
                        Comparative partitiogram. It demands a previous
                        labeled file. Check rpscripts labels -h' column
-fl, --show_form_labels
                        Draw vertical lines to display given form labels. It
                        demands a previous labeled file. Check rpscripts
                        labels -h' column
-c, --close_bubbles   Indexogram with bubbles' closing lines
-e, --stem            Indexogram as a stem chart
-t, --stairs          Indexogram as a stair chart
-p, --step            Indexogram as a step chart
-b, --combined        Indexogram as a combination of aglomeration and
--minimum_dispersion MINIMUM_DISPERSION
                        Partitiogram minimum dispersion value to render
--maximum_dispersion MAXIMUM_DISPERSION
                        Partitiogram maximum dispersion value to render
--minimum_agglomeration MINIMUM_AGGLOMERATION
                        Partitiogram minimum agglomeration value to render
--maximum_agglomeration MAXIMUM_AGGLOMERATION
                        Partitiogram maximum agglomeration value to render
--maximum_points_to_label MAXIMUM_POINTS_TO_LABEL
                        Maximum number of points to label in bubble
                        partitiogram chart. Default=50
--dots_size DOTS_SIZE
                        Dots size in simple partitiogram chart. Default=15
--labels_size LABELS_SIZE
                        Labels size in partitiogram chart. Default=15
--labels_distance LABELS_DISTANCE
                        Distance between points and labels in partitiogram
                        chart. Default=1.025
--indexogram_slope INDEXOGRAM_SLOPE
                        Slope's X-distance. Default=1/4 (use always rational
--figure_dimensions FIGURE_DIMENSIONS
                        Figure dimensions. Default=6.4,4.8 (comma separated

3.2.1. Image format

Use the -f option to set the chart images format. Otherwise, Plotter generates them in svg format.

rpscripts plot -f svg score.json
rpscripts plot -f png score.json
rpscripts plot -f jpg score.json

3.2.2. Image resolution

Use the -r option to set JPG or PNG image resolution.

rpscripts plot -f png -r 300 score.json

3.2.3. Image dimensions

Use the --figure_dimensions option to set the image dimensions:

rpscripts plot --figure_dimensions 16.0,4.8 score.json

3.2.4. Partitiogram options

Use the --maximum_points_to_label option to set the maximum number of points to label in the partitiogram charts. The default value is 50:

rpscripts plot --maximum_points_to_label 20 -u score.json

Use the --labels_size option to set labels’ size in the partitiogram charts. Default is 15:

rpscripts plot --labels_size 20 -u score.json

Use the --labels_distance option to set the distance between points and labels in the partitiogram charts. The default value is 1.025:

rpscripts plot --labels_distance 2 -u score.json

Use the --dots_size option to define the size of the dots in the partitiograms charts. The default value is 15 (the previous example’s value is 10):

rpscripts plot --dots_size 10 -m score.json Bubble partitiogram

Use the -u option to plot bubble partitiograms:

rpscripts plot -u score.json

Bubble partitiogram Comparative partitiograms

Use the -m option to plot comparative partitiograms. It demands a labeled JSON file. The Labeler program generates the labeled file.

Plotter generates comparative partitiograms for the combination of pairs of all available labels.

rpscripts plot -m score.json

Comparative partitiogram: parts A and B Filters

Use the --minimum_dispersion, --maximum_dispersion, --minimum_agglomeration, and --maximum_agglomeration options to filter the plotted partitiogram data.

rpscripts plot --minimum_dispersion 6 --maximum_agglomeration 8 score.json

Filtered partitiogram

3.2.5. Indexogram options Stem style

Use the -e option to plot indexogram in stem style:

rpscripts plot -e score.json

Indexogram as stem chart Step style

Use the -p option to plot indexogram in step style:

rpscripts plot -e score.json

Indexogram as step chart Stairs style

Use the -t option to plot indexogram in stairs style:

rpscripts plot -t score.json

Indexogram as stair chart Combined style

Use the -b option to plot indexogram in combined style:

rpscripts plot -b score.json

Indexogram as combined chart Closing bubbles

For the Simple indexogram, use the -c option to plot vertical lines closing indexogram bubbles:

rpscripts plot -c score.json

Indexogram with closing lines Form labels displaying

For the labels displaying, use the -fl option. It adds vertical lines in the indexogram. It demands a labeled JSON file. The Labeler program generates the labeled file.

rpscripts plot -fl score.json

Indexogram with form labels indications Sloping X-distance

For the Simple and Combined indexograms, use --indexogram_slope option to set the slope’s X-distance. The slopes between adjacent points is helpful in partitioning operations identification. The option accepts only rational numbers (e.g. 1/8).

A low value generates a chart similar to Stairs style and Step style.

rpscripts plot --indexogram_slope 1/2 score.json

3.2.6. Number of parts and density number

The Plotter command also generates two charts that expose the number of distinct parts and density number.

The first one is a scatter chart. For building it, use the -v option:

rpscripts plot -v score.json

The second chart represents both properties in time. For building it use the -q option:

rpscripts plot -q score.json

3.2.7. All charts

Use the -a option to plot all available indexogram types charts:

rpscripts plot -a score.json