1. Installation

RP Scripts is a Python-3-based program. Python 3 non-users have to download and install it before running the following instructions (check https://www.python.org/downloads/).

There are multiple ways to install RP Scripts. All of them require dependencies installation:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The graphs generation depends on the Graphviz installation.

1.1. Binary creation

The easiest way to use it is by creating a binary file (for instance, a .exe in Windows).

  1. Build the binary:

pyinstaller rps_compile.spec

This command generates build and dist folders and saves the binary file into the dist folder.

  1. Move the binary file to a folder in the user system’s PATH.

  2. We encourage the user to create a personal scripts folder and put it in the system’s PATH environment variable.

  3. Jump to Finishing installation instructions.

1.2. As a PIP package

To use rpscripts like a PIP package, run:

python -m build

Then, locate the .whl file inside the dist folder and run:

pip install -U dist/rpscripts-[version]-py3-none-any.whl

Linux and Mac users must rename the rps_bin.py file to rpscripts and move it to a binary folder listed at PATH, such as ~/.local/bin (Linux) or /usr/local/bin (Mac).

1.3. Finishing installation

Finally, create a ~/rps_aux folder and copy the provided lattice_map.json there.