3.4. Labeler

Labeler adds label data into the given JSON file (the one generated by Calculator). One can add labels such as “Exposition”, “First Theme”, and so on. Plotter needs labeled JSON to render comparative partitiograms.

The command below parses the given score-labels.txt file and adds it to the score.json file.

rpscripts label -t score-labels.txt score.json

Labeler demands a TXT file with annotations with the label name and its start point, one in each line and separated by commas:

One label,1+0
Another label,2+1/4
One more label,2+3/2

Option -h returns the program’s help:

usage: rpscripts label [-h] [-t TXT_FILENAME] filename

positional arguments:
filename              JSON filename (calc's output)

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-t TXT_FILENAME, --txt_filename TXT_FILENAME
                        TXT filename (labels map)

See Comparative partitiograms and Form labels displaying for some labels applications.