3.3. Annotator

Annotator generates an annotated digital score from a given score and a JSON file generated by Calculator.

The basic command line is:

rpscripts annotate -s score.xml score.json

Annotated score

Annotator does not work with trimmed scores Trimmer.

Option -h returns the program’s help:

usage: rpscripts annotate [-h] -s SCORE_FILENAME [-t TYPE] filename

positional arguments:
filename              JSON filename (calc's output)

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        digital score filename (XML, MXL, MIDI and KRN)
-t TYPE, --type TYPE  type of annotation (partitions)

3.3.1. Types

Annotator program can annotate multiple types of data into the given digital score. The default type is partitions. Future versions will provide other data types to annotate.

The -t option defines the type of annotation:

rpscripts annotate -t partitions -s score.xml score.json