Source code for rpscripts.stats

'''This module provides a few statistical data about the given filename.'''

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas
from .lib.base import GeneralSubparser, RPData, file_rename

[docs]def main(filename: str, no_plot: bool, split_labels: bool) -> None: '''Make histogram and print statistical summary of agglomeration and dispersion indexes.''' rp_data = RPData(filename) df = pandas.DataFrame( cols = ['Agglomeration', 'Dispersion'] print('Statistical summary: full') print(df[cols].describe().round(2)) if not no_plot: axes = df[cols].hist() for c, ax in zip(cols, axes[0]): ax.set_xlabel('{} index'.format(c)) ax.set_ylabel('Number of events') plt_filename = file_rename(filename, 'svg', 'histogram') print('Saving file {}...'.format(plt_filename)) plt.savefig(plt_filename) if split_labels and rp_data.labels: df['Label'] = rp_data.labels new_cols = cols[:] new_cols.append('Label') _df = df[new_cols].groupby('Label') for label, _df in _df: print('\nLabel: {}'.format(label)) print(_df.describe().round(2)) if not no_plot: for c in cols: plt.clf() _df = df[[c, 'Label']], by='Label', grid=True) plt.ylabel('{} index'.format(c)) plt.title('') plt.xlabel('Labels') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(file_rename(filename, 'svg', 'label-{}-boxplot').format(c.lower()))
# plt.clf() # grouped = df[[c, 'Label']].groupby('Label') # ax = grouped.boxplot(subplots=False, rot=90) # plt.ylabel('{} index'.format(c)) # plt.tight_layout() # ax.get_figure().savefig(file_rename(filename, 'svg', 'label-{}-boxplot').format(c.lower()))
[docs]class Subparser(GeneralSubparser): '''Implements argparser.'''
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: self.program_name = 'stats' self.program_help = 'Statistical tools'
[docs] def add_arguments(self) -> None: pass self.parser.add_argument("-np", "--no_plot", help = "No plot charts", action='store_true') self.parser.add_argument("-l", "--labels", help = "Split labels", action='store_true')
[docs] def handle(self, args): main(args.filename, args.no_plot, args.labels)