Source code for rpscripts.calculator

'''This module provides classes and functions to calculate the rhythmic partitions from a given digital score.'''

import copy
import music21

from fractions import Fraction
from tqdm import tqdm

from .lib.partition import Partition
from .lib.base import CustomException, EventLocation, GeneralSubparser, RPData, file_rename, find_nearest_smaller, make_fraction

[docs]def aux_make_events_from_part(m21_part: -> dict: '''Return a dictionary with Musical Events and their locations from a given Music21 part object. ''' measures = m21_part.getElementsByClass( events = {} for m21_measure in measures: notes_and_rests = m21_measure.notesAndRests offset = 0 # manual calculation for m21_obj in notes_and_rests: m_event = MusicalEvent() offset = m_event.set_data_from_m21_obj(m21_obj, m21_measure.number, m21_measure.offset, offset) events.update({ m_event.global_offset: m_event }) return events
[docs]def aux_join_music_events(events: dict) -> dict: '''Join `MusicalEvent` This methods join adjacent tied objects as well as adjacent rests. ''' # Add null event at the end last_location = list(events.keys())[-1] last_event = events[last_location] last_location += last_event.duration + 1 current_event = MusicalEvent() current_event.is_null = True events.update({ last_location: MusicalEvent() }) # Start with null last_event = None last_location = None joined_events = {} for location, current_event in events.items(): if current_event.is_null: # any - null joined_events.update({last_location: last_event}) else: if not last_event: # null - any last_event = current_event last_location = location else: if current_event.is_rest(): if last_event.is_rest(): # rest - rest last_event.duration += current_event.duration else: # note - rest joined_events.update({last_location: last_event}) last_event = current_event last_location = location else: if last_event.is_rest(): # rest - note joined_events.update({last_location: last_event}) last_event = current_event last_location = location else: # note - note if current_event.tie: if current_event.tie == 'start': # note - note.start joined_events.update({last_location: last_event}) last_event = current_event last_location = location else: # note - note.continue or note.stop last_event.duration += current_event.duration else: joined_events.update({last_location: last_event}) last_event = current_event last_location = location return joined_events
[docs]def make_music_events_from_part(m21_part: -> dict: '''Return a dictionary with location and Musical Events from a given Music21 part object. Adjacent rests and tied notes are joined. ''' events = aux_make_events_from_part(m21_part) return aux_join_music_events(events)
[docs]def auxiliary_get_duration(m21_obj) -> Fraction: '''Return the duration of the given Music21 object as a Fraction object.''' if m21_obj.duration.tuplets: tup = m21_obj.duration.tuplets[0] num = tup.numberNotesNormal den = tup.numberNotesActual dur = Fraction(num, den) / 2 else: dur = make_fraction(m21_obj.duration.quarterLength) return dur
[docs]def split_part_chords(m21_part: -> '''Return a new Music21 Part object with pitches extracted from chords of a given Music21 Part object. This function splits chords with notes of distinct durations. ''' extra_part = measures = m21_part.getElementsByClass( has_split_data = False for measure in measures: m = copy.deepcopy(measure) m.elements = () # Remove original measure's elements chords = measure.getElementsByClass(music21.chord.Chord) for chord in chords: ch_duration = chord.duration ch_offset = chord.offset ch_tie = chord.tie if chord.tie: # Add rests if not dur = chord.offset rest = music21.note.Rest() rest.duration = music21.duration.Duration(dur) m.insert(0, rest) old_obj_pitches = [] new_obj_pitches = [] new_obj_tie = None for p in chord.pitches: if chord.getTie(p) == chord.tie: old_obj_pitches.append(p) else: new_obj_pitches.append(p) new_obj_tie = chord.getTie(p) if len(new_obj_pitches) > 0: has_split_data = True chord.pitches = tuple(old_obj_pitches) # Handle old pitches if len(old_obj_pitches) == 1: active_site = chord.activeSite ind = chord.activeSite.index(chord) chord.activeSite.pop(ind) obj = music21.note.Note(old_obj_pitches[0]) obj.duration = ch_duration obj.offset = ch_offset obj.tie = ch_tie active_site.insert(obj.offset, obj) # Handle new pitches if len(new_obj_pitches) == 1: note = music21.note.Note(new_obj_pitches[0]) note.duration = chord.duration note.offset = chord.offset m.insert(note.offset, note) else: new_chord = music21.chord.Chord() new_chord.duration = chord.duration new_chord.offset = chord.offset new_chord.tie = new_obj_tie new_chord_pitches = list(new_chord.pitches) for p in new_obj_pitches: new_chord_pitches.append(p) new_chord.pitches = tuple(new_chord_pitches) m.insert(new_chord.offset, new_chord) extra_part.insert(m.offset, m) if has_split_data: ms = extra_part.getElementsByClass( for m in ms: original_m = m21_part.measure(m.number) m.offset = original_m.offset m.duration = original_m.duration return extra_part
[docs]def split_score(filename: str) -> '''Parse a given digital score file, split chords, convert voices to parts and returns a new Music21 Score object.''' parts = [] try: sco = music21.converter.parse(filename) except: raise CustomException('Error on given score parsing.') new_sco = print('Parsing the given score...') for m21_part in tqdm( for _part in m21_part.voicesToParts(): new_part = copy.deepcopy(_part) extra = split_part_chords(new_part) new_sco.insert(0, new_part) parts.append(new_part) if extra: new_sco.insert(0, extra) parts.append(extra) return new_sco
[docs]def make_offset_map(m21part: -> dict: '''Create map with measure number and global offset value.''' aux_offset_map = {} for measure in m21part.getElementsByClass( number = measure.number measure_offset = make_fraction(measure.offset) if measure_offset not in aux_offset_map.keys(): aux_offset_map.update({measure_offset: number}) # Recalculate measure numbers for score fixing. i = 0 new_offset_map = {} for k, v in aux_offset_map.items(): if v == 1: i += 1 new_offset_map[i] = k i += 1 return new_offset_map
[docs]class MusicalEvent(object): '''Auxiliary musical event class. This class has only the needed attributes of Music21's Note, Rest and Chord classes. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.measure_number = None self.offset = Fraction(0) self.global_offset = Fraction(0) self.number_of_pitches = 0 self.duration = 0 self.tie = None self.m21_class = None self.is_null = False if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __str__(self) -> str: return ' '.join(list(map(str, [self.number_of_pitches, self.duration, self.tie]))) def __repr__(self): return '<E {}>'.format(self.__str__())
[docs] def is_rest(self): '''Check if the current object represents a music21' rest object.''' return self.m21_class == music21.note.Rest
[docs] def set_data_from_m21_obj(self, m21_obj, measure_number, measure_offset, offset=None): '''Get data from given Music21 object, set as current object's attributes, and return offset and duration.''' self.measure_number = measure_number self.offset = offset self.global_offset = self.offset + make_fraction(measure_offset) self.duration = auxiliary_get_duration(m21_obj) self.m21_class = m21_obj.__class__ if self.is_rest(): self.number_of_pitches = 0 else: if m21_obj.isNote: self.number_of_pitches = 1 else: self.number_of_pitches = len(m21_obj.pitches) if m21_obj.tie: if m21_obj.tie.type in ['start', 'continue', 'stop']: self.tie = m21_obj.tie.type return offset + self.duration
[docs]class SingleEvent(object): '''Auxiliary single event. It's more simple than Music21's note and rest objects and has useful attributes such ass number of pitches and sounding.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.number_of_pitches = 0 self.duration = Fraction(0) self.measure_number = 0 self.offset = Fraction(0) self.sounding = False if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __repr__(self) -> str: event_location = EventLocation(measure_number=self.measure_number, offset=self.offset) ind = event_location.str_index return '<SE ({}) num={} dur={} snd={}>'.format(ind, self.number_of_pitches, self.duration, self.sounding)
[docs]class Parsema(object): '''Auxiliary Parsema class. Parsema is the set of adjacent equal partitions. See Gentil-Nunes 2009 for further information.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.measure_number = None self.offset = None self.global_offset = None self.duration = 0 self.single_events = [] self.partition = None if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __repr__(self) -> str: partition_str = '' if self.partition: partition_str = self.partition.as_string() event_loc = EventLocation(measure_number=self.measure_number, offset=self.offset) return '<Pma: {} ({}), dur {}>'.format(partition_str, event_loc, self.duration)
[docs] def add_single_events(self, single_events: list) -> None: '''Set single events, calculate their durations and set partition.''' self.single_events = single_events durations = [event.duration for event in single_events if event] if durations: self.duration = min(durations) self.set_partition()
[docs] def set_partition(self) -> None: '''Create `Partition` object from single events attribute and set it to `partition` attribute.''' parts = {} number_of_pitches_set = set([ s_event.number_of_pitches for s_event in self.single_events ]) if list(number_of_pitches_set) == [0]: self.partition = Partition([]) return for s_event in self.single_events: key = (s_event.sounding, s_event.duration) if key not in parts.keys() and s_event.number_of_pitches > 0: parts[key] = 0 if s_event.number_of_pitches > 0: parts[key] += s_event.number_of_pitches self.partition = Partition(sorted(parts.values()))
[docs]class PartSoundingMap(object): '''Sounding Map class of a musical part.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: self.single_events = None self.attack_global_offsets = [] if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __str__(self) -> int: return len(self.single_events.keys()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<PSM: {} events>'.format(self.__str__())
[docs] def set_from_m21_part(self, m21_part: -> None: '''Set Music21's part elements into `single_events` attribute. Create `MusicEvent` objects for each event and then, create `SingleEvent` objects to add to `single_events` attribute.''' music_events = make_music_events_from_part(m21_part) self.single_events = {} for global_offset, m_event in music_events.items(): # interval: closed start and open end. closed_beginning = global_offset open_ending = closed_beginning + m_event.duration single_event = SingleEvent() single_event.number_of_pitches = m_event.number_of_pitches single_event.duration = m_event.duration single_event.measure_number = m_event.measure_number single_event.offset = m_event.offset self.single_events.update({ (closed_beginning, open_ending): single_event }) self.attack_global_offsets.append(closed_beginning)
[docs] def get_single_event_by_location(self, global_offset: Fraction) -> SingleEvent: '''Return a `SingleEvent` object from its location.''' beginning = find_nearest_smaller(global_offset, self.attack_global_offsets) if beginning == -1: # No event to return return ind = self.attack_global_offsets.index(beginning) _, ending = list(self.single_events.keys())[ind] s_event = None if global_offset >= beginning and global_offset < ending: s_event = copy.deepcopy(self.single_events[(beginning, ending)]) duration_diff = global_offset - beginning duration = s_event.duration duration = duration - duration_diff sounding = duration_diff > 0 s_event.duration = duration if s_event.number_of_pitches > 0: s_event.sounding = sounding else: s_event.sounding = False return s_event
[docs]class ScoreSoundingMap(object): '''Sounding Map class of a musical score. Individual parts are sounding maps.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: self.sounding_maps = [] self.attacks = [] self.measure_offsets = {} if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<SSM: {} maps, {} attacks>'.format(len(self.sounding_maps), len(self.attacks))
[docs] def add_part_sounding_map(self, m21_part: -> None: '''Creates a `PartSoundingMap` from a given Music21 Part and add it to sounding_maps and attacks attributes.''' psm = PartSoundingMap() psm.set_from_m21_part(m21_part) if psm.single_events: self.sounding_maps.append(psm) self.attacks.extend(psm.attack_global_offsets) self.attacks = sorted(set(self.attacks))
[docs] def add_score_sounding_maps(self, m21_score: -> None: '''Create `PartSoundingMap` objects from each part of a given Music21 Score. This method also get measure offsets and explodes voices into parts.''' # Get and fill measure offsets self.measure_offsets = make_offset_map([0]) # Get and fill sounding parts print('Getting and filling sounding parts...') for m21_part in tqdm( for _part in m21_part.voicesToParts(): self.add_part_sounding_map(copy.deepcopy(_part))
[docs] def get_single_events_by_location(self, global_offset: Fraction) -> list: '''Return a list of `SingleEvent` objects in different sounding_maps from their locations.''' single_events = [] for sounding_map in self.sounding_maps: s_event = sounding_map.get_single_event_by_location(global_offset) if s_event: single_events.append(s_event) return single_events
[docs] def make_parsemae(self) -> list: '''Return a list of `Parsema` objects from `attacks` attribute. This method also handles merged parsemae.''' parsemae = [] offset_map = {ofs: ms for ms, ofs in self.measure_offsets.items()} all_offsets = list(offset_map.keys()) for attack in self.attacks: measure_offset = find_nearest_smaller(attack, all_offsets) measure_number = offset_map[measure_offset] offset = make_fraction(attack) - make_fraction(measure_offset) parsema = Parsema() parsema.add_single_events(self.get_single_events_by_location(attack)) parsema.global_offset = attack parsema.measure_number = measure_number parsema.offset = offset parsemae.append(parsema) if not parsemae: return # Merge parsemae merged_parsemae = [] first_parsema = parsemae[0] for parsema in parsemae[1:]: if == first_parsema.duration += parsema.duration else: merged_parsemae.append(first_parsema) first_parsema = parsema merged_parsemae.append(first_parsema) return merged_parsemae
[docs]class ParsemaeSegment(object): '''Parsema segment class.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: self.parsemae = [] self._measure_offsets = {} if 'kwargs' in kwargs: self.__dict__.update(kwargs['kwargs']) def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<PS: {} parsemae>'.format(len(self.parsemae))
[docs] def make_from_music21_score(self, m21_score: -> None: '''Create `Parsema` objects fom given Music21 Score object and store at `parsemae` class attribute.''' ssm = ScoreSoundingMap() ssm.add_score_sounding_maps(m21_score) self.parsemae = ssm.make_parsemae() self._measure_offsets = ssm.measure_offsets
[docs] def get_data(self) -> tuple: '''Get partitions, agglomeration, and dispersion data and their locations.''' data = { 'Index': [], # 0 'Measure number': [], # 1 'Offset': [], # 2 'Global offset': [], # 3 'Duration': [], # 4 'Partition': [], # 5 'Density-number': [], # 6 'Agglomeration': [], # 7 'Dispersion': [], # 8 } values_map = {} for parsema in self.parsemae: event_location = EventLocation(measure_number = parsema.measure_number, offset=parsema.offset) partition = parsema.partition partition_str = partition.as_string() agglomeration = partition.get_agglomeration_index() dispersion = partition.get_dispersion_index() data['Index'].append(event_location.str_index) data['Measure number'].append(parsema.measure_number) data['Offset'].append(parsema.offset) data['Global offset'].append(parsema.global_offset) data['Duration'].append(parsema.duration) # data['Offset'].append(fraction_to_string(parsema.offset)) # data['Global offset'].append(fraction_to_string(parsema.global_offset)) # data['Duration'].append(fraction_to_string(parsema.duration)) data['Partition'].append(partition_str) data['Density-number'].append(partition.get_density_number()) data['Agglomeration'].append(agglomeration) data['Dispersion'].append(dispersion) if partition_str not in values_map.keys(): values_map[partition_str] = (agglomeration, dispersion) return data, values_map
[docs] def make_rpdata(self, filename: str) -> RPData: '''Return `RPData` object from `parsemae` class attribute.''' rpdata = RPData() rpdata.path = file_rename(filename, 'json') offset_map_orig = self._measure_offsets # values as fractions offset_map_conv = {mn: offset for mn, offset in offset_map_orig.items()} # values as strings # offset_map_conv = {mn: fraction_to_string(offset) for mn, offset in offset_map_orig.items()} # values as strings, rpdata.values_map = self.get_data() rpdata.partitions =['Partition'] rpdata.size = len(rpdata.partitions) rpdata.offset_map = offset_map_conv return rpdata
[docs]class Subparser(GeneralSubparser): '''Implements argparser.'''
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: self.program_name = 'calc' self.program_help = 'Calculator' self.add_parent = False
[docs] def add_arguments(self) -> None: self.parser.add_argument('filename', help='digital score filename (XML, MXL, MIDI and KRN)', type=str) self.parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', help='output data in a CSV file.', default=False, action='store_true') self.parser.add_argument('-e', '--equally_sized', help='generate equally-sized events', default=False, action='store_true')
[docs] def handle(self, args): print('Running script on {} file...'.format(args.filename)) sco = split_score(args.filename) segment = ParsemaeSegment() segment.make_from_music21_score(sco) rpdata = segment.make_rpdata(args.filename) rpdata.save_to_file() if args.csv: rpdata.save_to_csv(args.equally_sized)