Source code for rpscripts.annotator

'''This module provides annotation features. It adds data such as partition into the XML score data and saves as a MXL file.'''

from copy import deepcopy
import music21

from .lib.base import RPDATA_ATTRIBUTES, CustomException, GeneralSubparser, RPData, file_rename

[docs]def main(m21_score:, rpdata: RPData, outfilename: str, labels_name='partitions') -> None: '''Add data from given RPData into the given Music21 score and save its in a new outfile. ''' if rpdata.__getattribute__(labels_name) == []: msg = 'The given RPData object has no {} data.'.format(labels_name) raise CustomException(msg) events_location = rpdata.get_events_location(labels_name) new_score = deepcopy(m21_score) p0 =[0] new_part = new_part.insert(0, music21.clef.PercussionClef()) measures = {} for m in p0.getElementsByClass( new_measure = deepcopy(m) new_measure.elements = () if m.number in events_location.keys(): for _offset, partition in events_location[m.number]: rest = music21.note.Rest(quarterLength=1/256) rest.offset = _offset rest.addLyric(partition) new_measure.insert(_offset, rest) new_measure = new_measure.makeRests(fillGaps=True) for el in new_measure: = 'white' = True measures.update({m.number: new_measure}) for m in measures.values(): new_part.append(m) new_part = new_part.makeRests(fillGaps=True) new_score.insert(0, new_part) new_score.write(fmt='mxl', fp=outfilename)
[docs]class Subparser(GeneralSubparser): '''Implements argparser.'''
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: self.program_name = 'annotate' self.program_help = 'Digital score annotator'
[docs] def add_arguments(self) -> None: attributes = ', '.join(RPDATA_ATTRIBUTES) self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--score_filename', help="digital score filename (XML, MXL, MIDI and KRN)", type=str, required=True) self.parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', help="type of annotation ({})".format(attributes), type=str, default='partitions')
[docs] def handle(self, args): sco_fname = args.score_filename json_fname = args.filename print('Running script on {} filename...'.format(sco_fname)) try: sco = music21.converter.parse(sco_fname) except: raise CustomException('Error on given score parsing.') outfile = file_rename(json_fname, 'mxl', 'annotated-{}'.format(args.type)) rpdata = RPData(json_fname) if args.type not in RPDATA_ATTRIBUTES: raise AttributeError('Chosen type "{}" is not available.'.format(args.type)) main(sco, rpdata, outfile, args.type)